It is 3:58am and I am creating a blog. What am I doing!! Am I insane?? No, I just can't sleep. My mind is racing with all sorts of thoughts - memories, new endeavors, things I want to accomplish, things I NEED to accomplish... gotta love insomnia.
A month or so ago I sat down with a dear friend and we got to talking. She shared with me a new-found motivation, if you will, on dreams. Not "I ate one too many bowls of ice cream before bed" kind of dreams, but desires and goals kind of dreams. She had made a list of her dreams and suggested I do the same. My first response to her was, "Oh, I don't have but a handful of dreams so it's not really necessary to list them. I've got 'em all here," pointing to my brain. To my surprise, by the end of the night I had over 100 dreams written down! Where did they come from!! I had no idea some of the things I had down inside!
So that brings me to where I am now... dreaming. Life is full of turns and mine has just taken a turn that I never thought possible. I have worked at my job with dear friends for the past 6 years and just celebrated my last day there. That's right, I am officially UNEMPLOYED!! Scary thought. I am facing a new season in life and am beyond excited. My husband is giving me a tremendous gift. He has made it possible for me to go back to school full-time to obtain my degree in Elementary Education (which was something I realized I wanted while making my dream list!).
With this new phase comes so many feelings of a fresh start, know what I mean? I am getting new school supplies, getting my hair done, I get a week off to re-organize our house so that I can feel ready to go... I recently told a friend of mine that I wanted to re-invent myself. Of course she laughed because that can be a strange thing to say. But really, I do! Especially now with my a new journey upon me. Don't you ever hear people talking about the fun things they do and think, "I want to do that." I want to take my dog to the park, ride my bike through pretty neighborhoods, get together with friends and play a volleyball game (even though I don't know how to play), find new recipes and make delicious meals...those might sound like corny and simple things, but those are things I don't do and want to do! Sometimes I get in the same 'ol rut and forget that there is so much more out there.
So here I go! I am ready for my new journey to begin! I have alot of living to do and I am ready to live it. I am going to dream on!