We are assured and know that (with God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. - Romans 8:28

Friday, March 27, 2009

Chicken Fight!

Summer time, people in the pool, 2 people sitting on the shoulders of 2 other people, hands flailing about, trying to knock the other one off... yaaaa, this isn't that kind of chicken fight. lol.
This is a chicken fight between me and my wonderful husband. I have to record this because this was one of those that was so unbelievable I want to remember the humor it brought us.

I always look forward to the end of the day when Frank comes home from work. I try, and usually succeed, at having dinner on the table right as he walk in the door. It's just one of those things that is important to me. Sidenote: lately I have been aggravated that I am not a very good cook and usually apologize for something about the meal. Anyway, it was Tuesday and I wasn't feeling good at all and couldn't wait until Frank got home. I was excited because I made a new recipe (given to me by Charity) so I was sure he would finally have a good meal, despite the way I was feeling. Not a clue why or how, but literally within 1 minute and 45 seconds of Frank being home, the following hell broke loose:

-I tasted the sauce and realized it was waaaaayyy to salty and immediately was bummed.
-Frank came in.
-I began filling his plate while warning him how terribly salty it was.
-The sauce accidentally touched my hand, causing me to scream, "oooowwwww!!!"
-He grabbed the plate, splashing the sauce on the floor and wall.
-My stuffiness in my head multiplied by 10 and I could not breath or even think clearly.
-I rinsed my hand while Frank got mad and informed me that he had lost his appetite and no longer wanted to eat, heading for the other room.
-Being that I couldn't hear myself because of my clogged head, I couldn't tell how loudly I was talking. I didn't understand why he was mad!
-We went back and forth a few times with information that had nothing to do with the situation at hand, until I was in a big snot ball on the couch, asking how in the world we had such a big fight in such a short amount of time simply about me burning my hand!

Finally he informed me that he was frustrated that I put myself down so much about my cooking because he enjoys coming home and eating dinner with me. When it was all said and done, my delirium making me extra sensitive only added to the escalation and I didn't even know what was going on anymore. I could hardly see through the swelling pressure of my sinuses. As I was sucking up my snot (sorry, tmi) he went and began eating his meal which, to my surprise, he loved! Turns out, it was so salty for me becuase I can't taste anything these days and so the only thing I could taste was the salt. He ate 2 servings and told me to add it to my list of regulars (thanks Charity!).

So basically, all of the chicken fight was for nothing, but oh well. I cleaned up the kitchen as we laughed about what happened. It was my fault, no doubt. I was the heap while he sat trying to calm me down. I am a mess sometimes. Poor guy, all he wanted to do was come home from his long day of work and eat with me.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Just so ya know...

I am POSTPONING my marathon. I am still struggling with my shins and do not feel ready for the next level of training. I was so happy to make the 10 mile mark, but the next level is 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 miles in the hills and I don't think that would be wise with how much pain I still have.

I feel like I have made a good decision and am so proud of myself and what I have accomplished over the past 2 months. I am looking forward to taking everything I have learned and continuing training at my own pace so that when a new team starts next Spring, I will be ready for it. When I decided this, I was sad that everyone would be disappointed in me or think that I was a quitter, but then I realized that 2 months ago, I could hardly do 1 mile and now I can do 10... I'm happy with that.

So, I will keep running and next year I will be one of the faster ones on the team that everyone is jealous of. lol.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ding! (picture a smile with the sparkle)

According to the dentist, I have perfect teeth and all of my flossing has paid off. I love a good report. That's all.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

911 and some other stuff...

The weirdest and scariest thing happened the other night. It was actually the second occurance, but the weirdest. It was Wednesday morning at 3:57am and we woke up to the doorbell ringing. Frank got up and looked out the bedroom window, only to see the police looking in the window back at him. They saw him and said, "Police." We were like, "uuhhh..." He went to the door while I trailed behind, a little shaken up. When he opened the door the police said, "is everything ok here? Someone from your house just called 911." Of course we hadn't, we were dead asleep. This was the sceond time this weird event happened and when we called the non-emergency line to ask, sure enough they had our house logged as calling! Turns out, something was wrong with our phone line that caused it to randomly call 911 and hang up! When comcast came out to fix it, they had to call a few different techs because this was something not even the supervisor has ever heard of. strrraaaange.

I went to my training this morning with so much anxiety. I am still dealing with calf muscles that won't give and the thought of the pain I would be in AGAIN just got me in a heap. I know the worry was taking over because I was sick to my stomach and was trying to think of every reason to not go. About 5 minutes into my run, everything began to ache and I wasn't even on the trail yet. I had 8 miles in front of me and all I could feel was the pain. I kept going slowly so I could at least make it on the trail and I could stop and stretch. Everyone passed me up and I was all alone, standing in the cold in so much pain I could hardly walk. All I could do was tear up and ask God to help me. I stretched some more and started walking again. So many thoughts were swirling and at one moment I almost turned around and went back to quit the entire thing. If I can't do this, I certainly can't do an entire marathon, was the only conclusion I could come to. But I didn't. I wiped my eyes and started running; I just couldn't give up yet. At the end of 2 miles, waaayy behind everyone else, my coach met me with some encouraging words and a new strecthing suggestion. It was a miracle! From that point on the pain was literally gone and I cruised through the remaining 6 miles. Sure it was still hard but I had no leg pain! I found me pushing myself beyond what I have ever done and actually ran alot more than walk. I ran the last 2 miles straight without walking at all! That might not seem like a big deal to alot of people, but for me that is HUGE! 2 miles is a long way! I made it back with energy to spare and actually beat my time from last week by 10 minutes! I ran 8 miles in 1 hr and 50 min. Now I feel so encouraged and know that I can do it again, even adding a few more miles.

Frank is working a graveyard shift tonight so I am awake watching Hallmark movies because I can't sleep. I love Hallmark movies. I'm so proud of my husband and his hard work. Don't ask me how, but over the last two weeks he worked 157 hours. And that's not counting the 40 hours at his part-time job. And even though he worked that much, I feel like I've seen him more these past few weeks than I have in a while! Go figure. I don't know how that worked out. He is such a hard-worker and I am so blessed.

Halfway through this semester already! My grades are good and I've already clocked 30 hours of kindergarten volunteer time. Humanities is great right now as we are talking about Christianity. My instructor must know I am a Christian because she always looks at me when she asks for feedback and explanations and I am happy to give them! It's so great! My group is doing a presentation on Jeremiah next week and it's cool to be the one in the group to help explain everything and head it up.

hmmm... I guess that's all for now!
Ta Ta!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My personal Jillian

I trained with Jillian Michaels on Wednesday night. No joke. My coach is usually so layed back and encouraging, just as nice as can be, but I don't know what came over her Wednesday. We were running fartlicks (easy, hard, easy hard running rotations... crazy word) at the Tokay track in the dark, but first we ran up and down the bleachers a zillion times. So I'm running, just dying. Like usual, I take a walking break becuase, well, I have to! After working with another gal she runs up to me and starts helping me adjust my position, my breathing and so on, then suggests that I go back to running. I do and get so tired so quickly, I can usually last longer but I only had about 3 hours of sleep the night before (another story) and was coming from a day in Kindergarten so I was exhausted. I started to slow and Jillian showed up. She would not let me stop and before I knew it I was running with my eyes closed feeling near death. I was literally thinking, "If I close my eyes it will all go away and I will come out of my body and wake up somewhere else." She was in my ear yelling, "No! You are not stopping! You don't need to walk! You can do this! Pain is good!" "But I have to stop, I can't move anymore!" "No, do not stop! You can't! Hate me if you have to but don't you dare stop running!" "I hate you! I do!" "I don't care, don't stop!" Before I knew it I had run twice around the track, no walking. It was fabulously horrible. But I was proud because I did it. I needed her yelling at me to push through the pain. When I had my eyes closed, I literally saw Jillian there screaming at me. It was wonderful. I can't wait until Saturday to run 8 more miles with her. yipee.