We are assured and know that (with God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. - Romans 8:28

Monday, September 29, 2008

On a roll...

So in my quest to re-invent myself and experience new things (ordinary to some but new and exciting to me!), I have succeeded! Not that I am done and have conquered the world in a matter of a few weeks, but I have taken advantage of opportunities and have found myself checking things off my list! It feels fantastic!!

Let's see...

-I've made a few new friends at school by my own doing. I can't believe how outgoing I've been lately! Not a shy bone in this body!
-Although I don't know sign language, I managed to have a "conversation" with a deaf gal in the school cafeteria.
-I've tried a few new recipes which turned out pretty decent.
-I conquered my fear of the dentist! I finally went and turns out, they think my teeth are healthy and beautiful!
-I went camping on the beach in Halfmoon Bay!!! It was SO MUCH FUN and I can't wait to go again!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

And The Award Goes To...

ME! For being the WORST blogger ever! Yes, I know I haven't blogged since my first appearance, but what can ya do... I'm lame.

Here I sit once again, at 2am, not sleeping. ugh! Why can't you sleep, you ask? Let me tell ya what's in my head at this wonderful morning hour...

* Oh my stomach! I shouldn't have eaten Mexican food at 8:30 at night!
* Standard Deviation using Z score and Chebychev's therum... what are the formulas again?
* I hope the dentist numbs me enough tomorrow before doing my fillings.
* Stupid weeds growing in my 50 foot veggie garden. It was too hot to do all that! Good thing I stopped in time so Karin didn't throw up in my car!!
* Im tired.
* Must-write-thesis- for-essay!
* Hmmm.. how many desks should I include in my classroom layout? Group or U-shaped?
* I wish tomorrow was Friday! Oh wait, no I don't! English test Friday!
* Is it Fall yet?
* Oh, there goes my stomach again!
* My husband is getting braces tomorrow! So cute!
* I miss my mommy.
* I want to go camping again.
* I can't believe I have to get up in 4 hours.
* SJ soils are Quartz, Feldspar, Hornblende and Mica - QFHM, QFHM, QFHM
* ugh, I do not want to wash my hair in the morning!

There you have it... such a nice blend of thoughts. Although it is keeping me awake, I am LOVING school!! When I set out on this journey, I was skeptical if I could really pull it off. I did great in high school but that was because I had to work really hard. I just didn't know if things would click again. Turns out, I'm smart!! ha! As of now, I have 100% in all of my classes; even stats! I start 2 more classes come October and that will put me at 16 units... more than I ever thought I could handle at one time. So far so good!

There is something so great about being back at school. Ya, I wish I would have gotten it done years ago, but I appreciate it so much more now. After high school 11 years ago (yes, 11!) college was such a chore and I hated every minute. I have a completely different perspective now and actually look forward to discussing the symbolism in Steinback's "The Chrysanthemums".

Who knew!