Yes, i am patting myself on the back, thank you very much! I am officially finished with school for the semester. Done. Completed. Terminado. De Finition. It feels so good! I feel very accomplished with my 4 A's and 1 B. Check this out... I was the highest grade of the class in both Science lab and English! At the start of the semester, I really had my doubts, but I am realizing that I am smarter than I thought!!! What do ya know, I am smarter than a 5th grader! lol.
I am gearing up for my Spring classes that start January 12th, for which I will be taking not 1, but 2 speech classes (since everyone knows what an awesome public speaker I am!). Adding to the list will also be Humanities and 2 Education classes for which I will spend 50+ hours in different elementary classrooms doing activities and tutoring. Fun!!!
For now, I am grateful to my husband for giving me this incredible opportunity and for putting up with me during my stressful times. He was there for me when I was crying my eyes out over my stats problems, slamming books, staring blank at the computer, or reading poems to him that I couldn't figure out on my own. I do work best when under the gun, but I am not fun to be around during it. Just ask my mom.
Anyway, I am just so excited and pretty darn proud. Thought you'd like to know. heeheehee.