We are assured and know that (with God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. - Romans 8:28
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Don't you just love it when...
Don't you just love it when you finish dinner and feel relaxed, only to look over and remember that now you have to clean everything up. So you start to do the dishes, scraping all the leftovers in a pile to be tossed. You reach in to get the garbage can to toss the mess only to realize the garbarge is overflowing and you have to empty it before throwing anything else away. Don't you love having to crawl under the sink to get the scraps that already fell out of the trash against the back wall, only to bump your head when climbing out, sweaty as can be. Don't you love when you leave your dish pile to take out the trash so that you can throw other stuff away, only to get mauled by your dog, almost knocking you over. You finally escape the dog to come back in the house, replace the garbage bag and dispose of the pile. Don't you just love when you wash your last dish, wipe the counter, hang up the towel, and realize how much you are dripping with sweat, only to turn around and find that you forgot about the dirty pots and pans and the stove. Don't you love starting over, cleaning the pots and pans, now realizing that you have to scrub the stovetop from its remains. Sweep the floor, straighten the chairs, and hang up the towel one more time... only to have the dog find her way in and leave mud and dog hair all over your clean space. Can I get some air please? And a sweat rag? Thanks.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Just a good day.
Yesterday I was blessed to take a 3 hour, relaxing walk with friends. One friend whom I've known for 12 years and another who I am getting to know and am excited to call "friend." We walked around one of my favorite neighborhoods in Stockton, basking in the cool breeze, admiring and dreaming about the beautiful homes, and enjoying each others company. How I have needed a day like this! A day to get out and let the breeze blow away the tired, yuckiness that has surrounded me for months... A day to laugh and be silly with friends who let you be yourself... A day to remember how good God is and His blessings in my life... yes, it was a good day and I am beyond thankful for my dear friends.
Thanks Sarahs!
Thanks Sarahs!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Just wanna say...
That I am really happy. I have not been a very good cook for my husband for the past year and a half, but things are looking up! For the most part, we will have the typical story of, "Oh man, those first few years... I ate it all and had seconds cuz you were trying so hard." But I can honestly say that I think I have found my meat nitch. Not that it is perfect or even the greatest ever, but I can finally cook chicken, and even steak, and it is yummy! No longer do I regretfully serve dried out, rubbery meat to my husband when he comes home starving after a long days work. After much trial and error, I cannot use the oven, electric frying pan, or even the George Foreman. Nope, not even the Foreman! I can choose the charcoal bbq (which I am super good at) or the stove top. Ya, not super exciting cuz you all have already mastered cooking, but I am pretty thrilled.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Time is flying by! I honestly cannot believe it is the middle of May. I feel like I was just at my wedding, like we just celebrated our one year anniversary, like I just started this semester yesterday... and here we are, married a year and a half, done with the semester next Thursday, and turning 30 in less than a month!!! Ya, maybe that is where this is coming from, turning 30, I dunno. Don't get me wrong, I am not one who is scared to turn the big 3-0 at all. I am very excited. I like getting older. I look back at when I was like 13 and remember how I used to know people who were in their 20's and 30's and I thought they were so old and so cool. Whatda ya know, I'm the cool one now! lol.
I got in touch with a friend from high school today. Actually, we've known each other since third grade, but became really good friends in high school. I haven't talked to her in a long time and while we were on the phone and thought about it, it has been at least 10 years , if not longer, since we've spoken! 10 years??? How does time go so fast! Why didn't we do the 'ol yearbook saying and "K.I.T"!! That used to drive me crazy when people I hardly knew would write that. C'mon, I'm not gonna keep in touch with you, I don't know you now, why would I know you in 12 years! Anyway, whatever.
Maybe I'm thinking about time because I am in school right now and it's bringing me back to high school days. 12 years ago? Sheesh. Why am I thinking about HS so much! Oh wait, I know... cuz I am reminded everyday at how annoying HS kids can be since I am the oldest in my classes and all the others are fresh out. Oh so irritating. Grow up, would ya! Stop throwing nasty spit wads, stop talking while the teacher is lecturing, and please stop being filthy rotten cheaters! ok, sorry. Had to vent.
Well, a bunch of randomness I guess, all to say that time is flying by.
I got in touch with a friend from high school today. Actually, we've known each other since third grade, but became really good friends in high school. I haven't talked to her in a long time and while we were on the phone and thought about it, it has been at least 10 years , if not longer, since we've spoken! 10 years??? How does time go so fast! Why didn't we do the 'ol yearbook saying and "K.I.T"!! That used to drive me crazy when people I hardly knew would write that. C'mon, I'm not gonna keep in touch with you, I don't know you now, why would I know you in 12 years! Anyway, whatever.
Maybe I'm thinking about time because I am in school right now and it's bringing me back to high school days. 12 years ago? Sheesh. Why am I thinking about HS so much! Oh wait, I know... cuz I am reminded everyday at how annoying HS kids can be since I am the oldest in my classes and all the others are fresh out. Oh so irritating. Grow up, would ya! Stop throwing nasty spit wads, stop talking while the teacher is lecturing, and please stop being filthy rotten cheaters! ok, sorry. Had to vent.
Well, a bunch of randomness I guess, all to say that time is flying by.
Friday, April 24, 2009
A Sad Goodbye
So, I went to the allergist today and the news was worse than I thought. Yes, I love my dog and was saddened at the thought of being allergic to her, but honestly, the news I got is a little worse (so wrong, I should care more about my dog). I am allergic to all things mold, especially....cheese and CHOCOLATE. Yes folks, no more pizza, grilled cheese, cheeseburgers, and worst of all, no more chocolate. How will I live? I love chocolate. I need chocolate. I am beside myself.
So, goodbye cheese and chocolate! It has been wonderful! So many great memories and delightful times! I will miss you! I might sneak you here and there, but it will never be the same! For now if I eat you I will have to follow with itch cream, pills, nasal spray, and an inhaler.
So, goodbye cheese and chocolate! It has been wonderful! So many great memories and delightful times! I will miss you! I might sneak you here and there, but it will never be the same! For now if I eat you I will have to follow with itch cream, pills, nasal spray, and an inhaler.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
blah blah blah blah blah. I am just so stinkin' hot. Why straight to summer? It's too hot in this house. I can't wait for our new windows to be put on!
That's all i got.
That's all i got.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
And the allergy saga continues...
I never posted about my allergies to begin with, but what the hec, they're still here.
So back at the beginning of February, I came down with the usual bad cold for that time of the year... no biggie, got meds, all was good. It came back a few days later and nothing would help. Come to find out, by process of illimination and a doctor visit, I have taken after my daddy and have a good dose of seasonal allergies. So basically, from February to just a few days ago I have been plugged up and all the good stuff that goes along with it. I managed to sneeze literally 12 times in class the other day and people around me gave me the weirdest looks. Whatever. I know a million people have allergies, so it's nothing new, but to me it is, so I gladly join you. right.
Apparently, I have more that a seasonal allergy now. I think I am allergic to my dog. Oh how I love her. I finally have an appt with an allergist next week so we will see if my prediction is true. Why do I think this...hmmm... Saturday night, before Easter, I was simply sitting on the couch watching a movie when my upper left arm turned bright red, splotchy, hot, and terribly itchy. By the time I went to bed and 3:30am rolled around (still awake, mind you), my entire body was covered in this rash. I took 2 showers for relief but none came. When Sunday morn had come it had disappeard and I was like, "what?". I was fine all day until around 4pm at my sister-in-laws house. I felt that burn and both of my arms were on fire. I came home, showered for the 4th time that day and slept for a few hours. It went away again. Dumb. Over the next few days it would pop up slightly every now and then, but nothing major. Hallelujah I was in the clear! Wrong. Last night I was finishing up my 4th paper for school when my arm started itching. I took a shower and by the time I got into bed my body was enflamed. Worse than ever. The rash covered my arms, backs, neck, and was working up my face. My loving and caring husband went to Longs at 11pm to get me some cortozone cream. I took another shower, applied the cream and I was in Heaven. Within, oh 20 minutes or so, it all came back again, even worse. Raised bumps added to the redness, I was violently scratching my back with a pen... there was no relief. We headed to Stockton's finest ER. And there we sat, hours upon hours. When my rash had gone down (Of course!) and was clearing up, we finally saw the doctor and he believed me despite the lack of evidence. I popped some pills to take care of my "anaphalactic reaction" and he sent me on my way. Absolutely starving at this point (cux it's 3:30am, who wouldn't be hungry) we stopped and got a few tacos and finally called it a night. I have felt great ever since. So pleasant. I hope it's not our dog, but she is the most common thread in all of this. Rascal.
So back at the beginning of February, I came down with the usual bad cold for that time of the year... no biggie, got meds, all was good. It came back a few days later and nothing would help. Come to find out, by process of illimination and a doctor visit, I have taken after my daddy and have a good dose of seasonal allergies. So basically, from February to just a few days ago I have been plugged up and all the good stuff that goes along with it. I managed to sneeze literally 12 times in class the other day and people around me gave me the weirdest looks. Whatever. I know a million people have allergies, so it's nothing new, but to me it is, so I gladly join you. right.
Apparently, I have more that a seasonal allergy now. I think I am allergic to my dog. Oh how I love her. I finally have an appt with an allergist next week so we will see if my prediction is true. Why do I think this...hmmm... Saturday night, before Easter, I was simply sitting on the couch watching a movie when my upper left arm turned bright red, splotchy, hot, and terribly itchy. By the time I went to bed and 3:30am rolled around (still awake, mind you), my entire body was covered in this rash. I took 2 showers for relief but none came. When Sunday morn had come it had disappeard and I was like, "what?". I was fine all day until around 4pm at my sister-in-laws house. I felt that burn and both of my arms were on fire. I came home, showered for the 4th time that day and slept for a few hours. It went away again. Dumb. Over the next few days it would pop up slightly every now and then, but nothing major. Hallelujah I was in the clear! Wrong. Last night I was finishing up my 4th paper for school when my arm started itching. I took a shower and by the time I got into bed my body was enflamed. Worse than ever. The rash covered my arms, backs, neck, and was working up my face. My loving and caring husband went to Longs at 11pm to get me some cortozone cream. I took another shower, applied the cream and I was in Heaven. Within, oh 20 minutes or so, it all came back again, even worse. Raised bumps added to the redness, I was violently scratching my back with a pen... there was no relief. We headed to Stockton's finest ER. And there we sat, hours upon hours. When my rash had gone down (Of course!) and was clearing up, we finally saw the doctor and he believed me despite the lack of evidence. I popped some pills to take care of my "anaphalactic reaction" and he sent me on my way. Absolutely starving at this point (cux it's 3:30am, who wouldn't be hungry) we stopped and got a few tacos and finally called it a night. I have felt great ever since. So pleasant. I hope it's not our dog, but she is the most common thread in all of this. Rascal.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Chicken Fight!
Summer time, people in the pool, 2 people sitting on the shoulders of 2 other people, hands flailing about, trying to knock the other one off... yaaaa, this isn't that kind of chicken fight. lol.
This is a chicken fight between me and my wonderful husband. I have to record this because this was one of those that was so unbelievable I want to remember the humor it brought us.
I always look forward to the end of the day when Frank comes home from work. I try, and usually succeed, at having dinner on the table right as he walk in the door. It's just one of those things that is important to me. Sidenote: lately I have been aggravated that I am not a very good cook and usually apologize for something about the meal. Anyway, it was Tuesday and I wasn't feeling good at all and couldn't wait until Frank got home. I was excited because I made a new recipe (given to me by Charity) so I was sure he would finally have a good meal, despite the way I was feeling. Not a clue why or how, but literally within 1 minute and 45 seconds of Frank being home, the following hell broke loose:
-I tasted the sauce and realized it was waaaaayyy to salty and immediately was bummed.
-Frank came in.
-I began filling his plate while warning him how terribly salty it was.
-The sauce accidentally touched my hand, causing me to scream, "oooowwwww!!!"
-He grabbed the plate, splashing the sauce on the floor and wall.
-My stuffiness in my head multiplied by 10 and I could not breath or even think clearly.
-I rinsed my hand while Frank got mad and informed me that he had lost his appetite and no longer wanted to eat, heading for the other room.
-Being that I couldn't hear myself because of my clogged head, I couldn't tell how loudly I was talking. I didn't understand why he was mad!
-We went back and forth a few times with information that had nothing to do with the situation at hand, until I was in a big snot ball on the couch, asking how in the world we had such a big fight in such a short amount of time simply about me burning my hand!
Finally he informed me that he was frustrated that I put myself down so much about my cooking because he enjoys coming home and eating dinner with me. When it was all said and done, my delirium making me extra sensitive only added to the escalation and I didn't even know what was going on anymore. I could hardly see through the swelling pressure of my sinuses. As I was sucking up my snot (sorry, tmi) he went and began eating his meal which, to my surprise, he loved! Turns out, it was so salty for me becuase I can't taste anything these days and so the only thing I could taste was the salt. He ate 2 servings and told me to add it to my list of regulars (thanks Charity!).
So basically, all of the chicken fight was for nothing, but oh well. I cleaned up the kitchen as we laughed about what happened. It was my fault, no doubt. I was the heap while he sat trying to calm me down. I am a mess sometimes. Poor guy, all he wanted to do was come home from his long day of work and eat with me.
This is a chicken fight between me and my wonderful husband. I have to record this because this was one of those that was so unbelievable I want to remember the humor it brought us.
I always look forward to the end of the day when Frank comes home from work. I try, and usually succeed, at having dinner on the table right as he walk in the door. It's just one of those things that is important to me. Sidenote: lately I have been aggravated that I am not a very good cook and usually apologize for something about the meal. Anyway, it was Tuesday and I wasn't feeling good at all and couldn't wait until Frank got home. I was excited because I made a new recipe (given to me by Charity) so I was sure he would finally have a good meal, despite the way I was feeling. Not a clue why or how, but literally within 1 minute and 45 seconds of Frank being home, the following hell broke loose:
-I tasted the sauce and realized it was waaaaayyy to salty and immediately was bummed.
-Frank came in.
-I began filling his plate while warning him how terribly salty it was.
-The sauce accidentally touched my hand, causing me to scream, "oooowwwww!!!"
-He grabbed the plate, splashing the sauce on the floor and wall.
-My stuffiness in my head multiplied by 10 and I could not breath or even think clearly.
-I rinsed my hand while Frank got mad and informed me that he had lost his appetite and no longer wanted to eat, heading for the other room.
-Being that I couldn't hear myself because of my clogged head, I couldn't tell how loudly I was talking. I didn't understand why he was mad!
-We went back and forth a few times with information that had nothing to do with the situation at hand, until I was in a big snot ball on the couch, asking how in the world we had such a big fight in such a short amount of time simply about me burning my hand!
Finally he informed me that he was frustrated that I put myself down so much about my cooking because he enjoys coming home and eating dinner with me. When it was all said and done, my delirium making me extra sensitive only added to the escalation and I didn't even know what was going on anymore. I could hardly see through the swelling pressure of my sinuses. As I was sucking up my snot (sorry, tmi) he went and began eating his meal which, to my surprise, he loved! Turns out, it was so salty for me becuase I can't taste anything these days and so the only thing I could taste was the salt. He ate 2 servings and told me to add it to my list of regulars (thanks Charity!).
So basically, all of the chicken fight was for nothing, but oh well. I cleaned up the kitchen as we laughed about what happened. It was my fault, no doubt. I was the heap while he sat trying to calm me down. I am a mess sometimes. Poor guy, all he wanted to do was come home from his long day of work and eat with me.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Just so ya know...
I am POSTPONING my marathon. I am still struggling with my shins and do not feel ready for the next level of training. I was so happy to make the 10 mile mark, but the next level is 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 miles in the hills and I don't think that would be wise with how much pain I still have.
I feel like I have made a good decision and am so proud of myself and what I have accomplished over the past 2 months. I am looking forward to taking everything I have learned and continuing training at my own pace so that when a new team starts next Spring, I will be ready for it. When I decided this, I was sad that everyone would be disappointed in me or think that I was a quitter, but then I realized that 2 months ago, I could hardly do 1 mile and now I can do 10... I'm happy with that.
So, I will keep running and next year I will be one of the faster ones on the team that everyone is jealous of. lol.
I feel like I have made a good decision and am so proud of myself and what I have accomplished over the past 2 months. I am looking forward to taking everything I have learned and continuing training at my own pace so that when a new team starts next Spring, I will be ready for it. When I decided this, I was sad that everyone would be disappointed in me or think that I was a quitter, but then I realized that 2 months ago, I could hardly do 1 mile and now I can do 10... I'm happy with that.
So, I will keep running and next year I will be one of the faster ones on the team that everyone is jealous of. lol.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Ding! (picture a smile with the sparkle)
According to the dentist, I have perfect teeth and all of my flossing has paid off. I love a good report. That's all.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
911 and some other stuff...
The weirdest and scariest thing happened the other night. It was actually the second occurance, but the weirdest. It was Wednesday morning at 3:57am and we woke up to the doorbell ringing. Frank got up and looked out the bedroom window, only to see the police looking in the window back at him. They saw him and said, "Police." We were like, "uuhhh..." He went to the door while I trailed behind, a little shaken up. When he opened the door the police said, "is everything ok here? Someone from your house just called 911." Of course we hadn't, we were dead asleep. This was the sceond time this weird event happened and when we called the non-emergency line to ask, sure enough they had our house logged as calling! Turns out, something was wrong with our phone line that caused it to randomly call 911 and hang up! When comcast came out to fix it, they had to call a few different techs because this was something not even the supervisor has ever heard of. strrraaaange.
I went to my training this morning with so much anxiety. I am still dealing with calf muscles that won't give and the thought of the pain I would be in AGAIN just got me in a heap. I know the worry was taking over because I was sick to my stomach and was trying to think of every reason to not go. About 5 minutes into my run, everything began to ache and I wasn't even on the trail yet. I had 8 miles in front of me and all I could feel was the pain. I kept going slowly so I could at least make it on the trail and I could stop and stretch. Everyone passed me up and I was all alone, standing in the cold in so much pain I could hardly walk. All I could do was tear up and ask God to help me. I stretched some more and started walking again. So many thoughts were swirling and at one moment I almost turned around and went back to quit the entire thing. If I can't do this, I certainly can't do an entire marathon, was the only conclusion I could come to. But I didn't. I wiped my eyes and started running; I just couldn't give up yet. At the end of 2 miles, waaayy behind everyone else, my coach met me with some encouraging words and a new strecthing suggestion. It was a miracle! From that point on the pain was literally gone and I cruised through the remaining 6 miles. Sure it was still hard but I had no leg pain! I found me pushing myself beyond what I have ever done and actually ran alot more than walk. I ran the last 2 miles straight without walking at all! That might not seem like a big deal to alot of people, but for me that is HUGE! 2 miles is a long way! I made it back with energy to spare and actually beat my time from last week by 10 minutes! I ran 8 miles in 1 hr and 50 min. Now I feel so encouraged and know that I can do it again, even adding a few more miles.
Frank is working a graveyard shift tonight so I am awake watching Hallmark movies because I can't sleep. I love Hallmark movies. I'm so proud of my husband and his hard work. Don't ask me how, but over the last two weeks he worked 157 hours. And that's not counting the 40 hours at his part-time job. And even though he worked that much, I feel like I've seen him more these past few weeks than I have in a while! Go figure. I don't know how that worked out. He is such a hard-worker and I am so blessed.
Halfway through this semester already! My grades are good and I've already clocked 30 hours of kindergarten volunteer time. Humanities is great right now as we are talking about Christianity. My instructor must know I am a Christian because she always looks at me when she asks for feedback and explanations and I am happy to give them! It's so great! My group is doing a presentation on Jeremiah next week and it's cool to be the one in the group to help explain everything and head it up.
hmmm... I guess that's all for now!
Ta Ta!
I went to my training this morning with so much anxiety. I am still dealing with calf muscles that won't give and the thought of the pain I would be in AGAIN just got me in a heap. I know the worry was taking over because I was sick to my stomach and was trying to think of every reason to not go. About 5 minutes into my run, everything began to ache and I wasn't even on the trail yet. I had 8 miles in front of me and all I could feel was the pain. I kept going slowly so I could at least make it on the trail and I could stop and stretch. Everyone passed me up and I was all alone, standing in the cold in so much pain I could hardly walk. All I could do was tear up and ask God to help me. I stretched some more and started walking again. So many thoughts were swirling and at one moment I almost turned around and went back to quit the entire thing. If I can't do this, I certainly can't do an entire marathon, was the only conclusion I could come to. But I didn't. I wiped my eyes and started running; I just couldn't give up yet. At the end of 2 miles, waaayy behind everyone else, my coach met me with some encouraging words and a new strecthing suggestion. It was a miracle! From that point on the pain was literally gone and I cruised through the remaining 6 miles. Sure it was still hard but I had no leg pain! I found me pushing myself beyond what I have ever done and actually ran alot more than walk. I ran the last 2 miles straight without walking at all! That might not seem like a big deal to alot of people, but for me that is HUGE! 2 miles is a long way! I made it back with energy to spare and actually beat my time from last week by 10 minutes! I ran 8 miles in 1 hr and 50 min. Now I feel so encouraged and know that I can do it again, even adding a few more miles.
Frank is working a graveyard shift tonight so I am awake watching Hallmark movies because I can't sleep. I love Hallmark movies. I'm so proud of my husband and his hard work. Don't ask me how, but over the last two weeks he worked 157 hours. And that's not counting the 40 hours at his part-time job. And even though he worked that much, I feel like I've seen him more these past few weeks than I have in a while! Go figure. I don't know how that worked out. He is such a hard-worker and I am so blessed.
Halfway through this semester already! My grades are good and I've already clocked 30 hours of kindergarten volunteer time. Humanities is great right now as we are talking about Christianity. My instructor must know I am a Christian because she always looks at me when she asks for feedback and explanations and I am happy to give them! It's so great! My group is doing a presentation on Jeremiah next week and it's cool to be the one in the group to help explain everything and head it up.
hmmm... I guess that's all for now!
Ta Ta!
Friday, March 6, 2009
My personal Jillian
I trained with Jillian Michaels on Wednesday night. No joke. My coach is usually so layed back and encouraging, just as nice as can be, but I don't know what came over her Wednesday. We were running fartlicks (easy, hard, easy hard running rotations... crazy word) at the Tokay track in the dark, but first we ran up and down the bleachers a zillion times. So I'm running, just dying. Like usual, I take a walking break becuase, well, I have to! After working with another gal she runs up to me and starts helping me adjust my position, my breathing and so on, then suggests that I go back to running. I do and get so tired so quickly, I can usually last longer but I only had about 3 hours of sleep the night before (another story) and was coming from a day in Kindergarten so I was exhausted. I started to slow and Jillian showed up. She would not let me stop and before I knew it I was running with my eyes closed feeling near death. I was literally thinking, "If I close my eyes it will all go away and I will come out of my body and wake up somewhere else." She was in my ear yelling, "No! You are not stopping! You don't need to walk! You can do this! Pain is good!" "But I have to stop, I can't move anymore!" "No, do not stop! You can't! Hate me if you have to but don't you dare stop running!" "I hate you! I do!" "I don't care, don't stop!" Before I knew it I had run twice around the track, no walking. It was fabulously horrible. But I was proud because I did it. I needed her yelling at me to push through the pain. When I had my eyes closed, I literally saw Jillian there screaming at me. It was wonderful. I can't wait until Saturday to run 8 more miles with her. yipee.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
8 Miles!
Every stinkin' muscle and bone in my body is aching. It took me two hours this morning, but low and behold, I completed the 8 mile route for our training today! It was a doosey. The first 2 miles were horrendous with all the muscles trying to warm up. Miles 3-7 weren't that bad; 4 and 5 were kind of enjoyable actually. I had a good pace, the wind was blowing through my hair and I was smiling. Mile 8 however brought the feeling of death. I honestly didn't think I could make it as I had absolutely nothing left in me. Time to bring out the Goo from now on! When I got home, I ate some protein and collapsed. I took a cat nap...until 3:30! But that's ok, I needed the sleep. I'm excited because now that I have done the 8, I know I can do it again next week and be ready to jump to 12 miles the week after that!! Holy cow, did I say 12?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Visit my website!
My marathon training is moving right along! I had a setback while I was sick last week, but am getting right back in there. I will join my team for the 8 mile run/walk this Saturday morning!
I am also getting in full swing with my fundraising and hope to have my letters out by the end of this week, which will contain more details about the cause, the little boy that I am running in honor of, and an opportunity to send me a name that I can add to my honoree list. If you have family members or friends who would like to donate to this awesome cause, email me their address or pass along the below website. Every little bit counts and all donations are tax deductable.
I am really excited about this opportunity that I have and am just committing my fundraising goals to the Lord and will be doing everything I can to raise the funds to continue fighting these blood diseases. I will be posting the story of little Hayden soon!
Visit me here: http://pages.teamintraining.org/sac/rnr09/lgarcia04q
I am also getting in full swing with my fundraising and hope to have my letters out by the end of this week, which will contain more details about the cause, the little boy that I am running in honor of, and an opportunity to send me a name that I can add to my honoree list. If you have family members or friends who would like to donate to this awesome cause, email me their address or pass along the below website. Every little bit counts and all donations are tax deductable.
I am really excited about this opportunity that I have and am just committing my fundraising goals to the Lord and will be doing everything I can to raise the funds to continue fighting these blood diseases. I will be posting the story of little Hayden soon!
Visit me here: http://pages.teamintraining.org/sac/rnr09/lgarcia04q
Thursday, February 19, 2009
cough cough cough
I just want to say that it was so good to be completely back in the real world today. Finally. After being layed up since last Wednesday night, I no longer sound like a hacking, 75 year old, wrinkled woman who has smoked since she was 10.
Monday, February 9, 2009
mmm... fresh air...
Have you ever had one of those days where you look back and go, "man, that was such a great day!" Yesterday was just one of those days for us. Even this morning, Frank and I were still talking about how nice of a day it was. Frank had worked 2 graveyard shifts in a row and has been exhausted from them. He left work early on Saturday night and got home around 3am, as he was so tired, he couldn't make it any longer. We were planning to get up and go to church, but needless to say, he was out cold. Around 11am he woke up and felt so much better, so we decided to take a walk. We went out to a levy around one of the channels of the Delta and walked all the way around, about 6 miles total! It was so peaceful. It was cold, the wind was blowing, birds were flying, a few boats passed along the sparking water, the clouds were puffy... it was so refreshing. We just walked along talking and laughing for the hour and a half it took us. When we were done we went for a swim at the gym which topped it all off. It just became one of those days that meant alot to us and we can't wait to do it again.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Last night, I shocked my socks off! Not literally with electricity, but in that I ran/walked 4 miles at my team training!! 4 miles! Unheard of in my book. I think I'm likin' this whole running thing. Let's see if I still like it when I have another 4 miles in front of me on Saturday at 7am.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
And we're off!
So, as all 4 of you who read my blog know, I started my training for the Marathon I am running at the end of May. I am SO EXCITED!!!
I'm thinking of creating another blog specifically for me to track my training and update everyone on the likes of what I am doing - a link I can post on my fundrasing website for those who want to donate. Not sure yet, still thinking... for now I will post here.
Day 1 - Our first official training day was last Wednesday night. I went out to the parking lot of Panera over on Trinity. I was pretty nervous. I drove up a few minutes early and there stood my coaches with a Team In Training table (banner included) and about 3 other people. Needless to say, I sat in my car a few minutes trying to decide if I was actually going to take this plunge! I did. So glad. I went to the table and signed in, said hello to everyone and then stood there. In the cold. 6pm. Wednesday night. What the hec was I doing! A few more joined us and they gave the intro. These people don't waste a single minute! From there we headed off down the road for a 2.5 mile jog! So there I am running along (yes, running!) so proud of myself and thinking, wow, this is kinda weird. I got a little tired after a bit and slowed to a walk, along with a few other gals. We finally got to the school (our destination) and I was relieved... only for a few seconds, until we had to turn around and go all the way back. duh! as if I thought a van might pull up and take me back. rrriiight. We started back and then the pain hit. dang! I was wearing worn out shoes and they were killing the tops of my feet; I really thought I would die. No joke. I laughed a little when I saw the lights of Panera cuz I knew I was almost home. Thank you God. Back at the parking lot, ready to die, pee, and sleep, my coach says, "ok, sprints across the lot, GO!" And off I went, pain and all. It was a delightful evening of pain, sweat, and more pain, but I survived and couldn't wait to go again.
Day 2 - You know when you're driving and out of nowhere you see people running - some in clumps, some on there own - and you think to yourself, "What are they doing?! And why are they all running, and where are they going!" Hi, that's me now! I am one of those people! I went to Fleet Feet (great store) this morning and got fitted for shoes so I could be a professional and then off we went again! We ran from Lincoln Center, down Ben Holt, down Alexandria, around Lincoln High, then all the way back. About 3 miles. Yes, I was dying again but no my feet didn't hurt! The shoes worked! I am a pro now! It was not one bit enjoyable or easy, but it felt so great.
I train with my team (about 12 or so people) every Wednesday night and Saturday morning. I have to follow the workout plan they gave us on the other days so that I can increase my endurance. It's so motivating having people doing it right with you, encouraging you, and knowing you have no choice but to make it up and back.
So, if you ever see me running down the street in my new shoes and cool running clothes, honk and ask me if I want a ride home. I just might.
I'm thinking of creating another blog specifically for me to track my training and update everyone on the likes of what I am doing - a link I can post on my fundrasing website for those who want to donate. Not sure yet, still thinking... for now I will post here.
Day 1 - Our first official training day was last Wednesday night. I went out to the parking lot of Panera over on Trinity. I was pretty nervous. I drove up a few minutes early and there stood my coaches with a Team In Training table (banner included) and about 3 other people. Needless to say, I sat in my car a few minutes trying to decide if I was actually going to take this plunge! I did. So glad. I went to the table and signed in, said hello to everyone and then stood there. In the cold. 6pm. Wednesday night. What the hec was I doing! A few more joined us and they gave the intro. These people don't waste a single minute! From there we headed off down the road for a 2.5 mile jog! So there I am running along (yes, running!) so proud of myself and thinking, wow, this is kinda weird. I got a little tired after a bit and slowed to a walk, along with a few other gals. We finally got to the school (our destination) and I was relieved... only for a few seconds, until we had to turn around and go all the way back. duh! as if I thought a van might pull up and take me back. rrriiight. We started back and then the pain hit. dang! I was wearing worn out shoes and they were killing the tops of my feet; I really thought I would die. No joke. I laughed a little when I saw the lights of Panera cuz I knew I was almost home. Thank you God. Back at the parking lot, ready to die, pee, and sleep, my coach says, "ok, sprints across the lot, GO!" And off I went, pain and all. It was a delightful evening of pain, sweat, and more pain, but I survived and couldn't wait to go again.
Day 2 - You know when you're driving and out of nowhere you see people running - some in clumps, some on there own - and you think to yourself, "What are they doing?! And why are they all running, and where are they going!" Hi, that's me now! I am one of those people! I went to Fleet Feet (great store) this morning and got fitted for shoes so I could be a professional and then off we went again! We ran from Lincoln Center, down Ben Holt, down Alexandria, around Lincoln High, then all the way back. About 3 miles. Yes, I was dying again but no my feet didn't hurt! The shoes worked! I am a pro now! It was not one bit enjoyable or easy, but it felt so great.
I train with my team (about 12 or so people) every Wednesday night and Saturday morning. I have to follow the workout plan they gave us on the other days so that I can increase my endurance. It's so motivating having people doing it right with you, encouraging you, and knowing you have no choice but to make it up and back.
So, if you ever see me running down the street in my new shoes and cool running clothes, honk and ask me if I want a ride home. I just might.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I almost passed out.
So, in my previous blog I stated that my back room is an explosive mess. Has always been and will always be... so I thought. Boy, was I ever in shock and awe when I got home last night from my training... I was gone from 5:30 to 7:15 (that's not that long!) and in that time my incredible husband got home from work and completely tore the room apart. I walked in the door and knew something was up, as I saw a few things by the door. Little did I know what was in store! He had gone through paper piles and organized them, thrown away garbage, found storage for all the stuff, hung our white board, put out pictures in frames, cleaned the desk, vacuumed the floor, and even placed a candle on the desk. The room looks fantastic and is more organized than I could have ever thought!!! I have such a wonderful husband.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A little this... a little that...
Ok, I know it has been forever - again. Like I have been asked to do repeatedly, I will blog some randomness. Surely things have been happening in my life! To be honest... the reason I haven't blogged is because I hate...that's a strong word (as my husband says)... strongly dislike sitting at my computer at this moment in time. Our back room that is meant to be an office is an office/storage/clutter/school/laundry hanging/everything room. So I check my email and whatever I have to do as fast as I can because I get stressed out sitting in it all. "Why don't you clean it?" you ask. Well, we do! Like only every weekend!!! But our house is wonderful, yet small, and we have ALOT of stuff! So, that is my explanation of my lack of blogage.
Randomness of my days:
* I started another semester at school! This is a fun one. I am in an intercultural communications class that is made up of a ton of group activites. I also have an Education Lab class that requires me to volunteer 50 hours in a classroom of my choice. Of course I chose Mrs. Gebhardt's kindergarten. I started last Wednesday and it is sooooo good to be back where the kids get the biggest kick out of us calling them skallywags.
* My husband and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary back on New Year's Eve! Already!!! We went to my Uncle's cabin in Pioneer for a few days. There was some snow left on the ground and it was so peaceful and relaxing. Sure, our entire time was consumed with worrying about how to get our dog to poop, since she obviously takes after her mother and doesn't poop easily when she travels. And of course she finally pooped the day we were heading home. oh, same as me!
* Speaking of our dog, since she is the center of our lives... she is a whole new gal! Jasper went back to his home and since then Sammy has had a complete attitude change. She doesn't attack me nearly as often, she has started obeying me more and she even gets to come in the house at night. She has learned to behave inside and that girl can hold her pee like none other.
* One last thing for now... I will be starting my marathon training tomorrow night, so watch for many more details on that soon!!!
Falcon, out.
(uh, only Jess will know what that means.)
Randomness of my days:
* I started another semester at school! This is a fun one. I am in an intercultural communications class that is made up of a ton of group activites. I also have an Education Lab class that requires me to volunteer 50 hours in a classroom of my choice. Of course I chose Mrs. Gebhardt's kindergarten. I started last Wednesday and it is sooooo good to be back where the kids get the biggest kick out of us calling them skallywags.
* My husband and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary back on New Year's Eve! Already!!! We went to my Uncle's cabin in Pioneer for a few days. There was some snow left on the ground and it was so peaceful and relaxing. Sure, our entire time was consumed with worrying about how to get our dog to poop, since she obviously takes after her mother and doesn't poop easily when she travels. And of course she finally pooped the day we were heading home. oh, same as me!
* Speaking of our dog, since she is the center of our lives... she is a whole new gal! Jasper went back to his home and since then Sammy has had a complete attitude change. She doesn't attack me nearly as often, she has started obeying me more and she even gets to come in the house at night. She has learned to behave inside and that girl can hold her pee like none other.
* One last thing for now... I will be starting my marathon training tomorrow night, so watch for many more details on that soon!!!
Falcon, out.
(uh, only Jess will know what that means.)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tag, I'm it!
I got tagged in Inez's blog, so here's mine -
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
This was from a few years ago... 2006 I think! It's me, Paula and Julia. Paula and the kids came to stay with me for a week during the summer. We had so much fun! awww, how I miss her. She lives in Missouri and I haven't seen her since my wedding last year =(
OK, I tag -
..cuz those are the only people who read my blog.
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
This was from a few years ago... 2006 I think! It's me, Paula and Julia. Paula and the kids came to stay with me for a week during the summer. We had so much fun! awww, how I miss her. She lives in Missouri and I haven't seen her since my wedding last year =(
OK, I tag -
..cuz those are the only people who read my blog.
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