So, as all 4 of you who read my blog know, I started my training for the Marathon I am running at the end of May. I am SO EXCITED!!!
I'm thinking of creating another blog specifically for me to track my training and update everyone on the likes of what I am doing - a link I can post on my fundrasing website for those who want to donate. Not sure yet, still thinking... for now I will post here.
Day 1 - Our first official training day was last Wednesday night. I went out to the parking lot of Panera over on Trinity. I was pretty nervous. I drove up a few minutes early and there stood my coaches with a Team In Training table (banner included) and about 3 other people. Needless to say, I sat in my car a few minutes trying to decide if I was actually going to take this plunge! I did. So glad. I went to the table and signed in, said hello to everyone and then stood there. In the cold. 6pm. Wednesday night. What the hec was I doing! A few more joined us and they gave the intro. These people don't waste a single minute! From there we headed off down the road for a 2.5 mile jog! So there I am running along (yes, running!) so proud of myself and thinking, wow, this is kinda weird. I got a little tired after a bit and slowed to a walk, along with a few other gals. We finally got to the school (our destination) and I was relieved... only for a few seconds, until we had to turn around and go all the way back. duh! as if I thought a van might pull up and take me back. rrriiight. We started back and then the pain hit. dang! I was wearing worn out shoes and they were killing the tops of my feet; I really thought I would die. No joke. I laughed a little when I saw the lights of Panera cuz I knew I was almost home. Thank you God. Back at the parking lot, ready to die, pee, and sleep, my coach says, "ok, sprints across the lot, GO!" And off I went, pain and all. It was a delightful evening of pain, sweat, and more pain, but I survived and couldn't wait to go again.
Day 2 - You know when you're driving and out of nowhere you see people running - some in clumps, some on there own - and you think to yourself, "What are they doing?! And why are they all running, and where are they going!" Hi, that's me now! I am one of those people! I went to Fleet Feet (great store) this morning and got fitted for shoes so I could be a professional and then off we went again! We ran from Lincoln Center, down Ben Holt, down Alexandria, around Lincoln High, then all the way back. About 3 miles. Yes, I was dying again but no my feet didn't hurt! The shoes worked! I am a pro now! It was not one bit enjoyable or easy, but it felt so great.
I train with my team (about 12 or so people) every Wednesday night and Saturday morning. I have to follow the workout plan they gave us on the other days so that I can increase my endurance. It's so motivating having people doing it right with you, encouraging you, and knowing you have no choice but to make it up and back.
So, if you ever see me running down the street in my new shoes and cool running clothes, honk and ask me if I want a ride home. I just might.
We are assured and know that (with God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. - Romans 8:28
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I almost passed out.
So, in my previous blog I stated that my back room is an explosive mess. Has always been and will always be... so I thought. Boy, was I ever in shock and awe when I got home last night from my training... I was gone from 5:30 to 7:15 (that's not that long!) and in that time my incredible husband got home from work and completely tore the room apart. I walked in the door and knew something was up, as I saw a few things by the door. Little did I know what was in store! He had gone through paper piles and organized them, thrown away garbage, found storage for all the stuff, hung our white board, put out pictures in frames, cleaned the desk, vacuumed the floor, and even placed a candle on the desk. The room looks fantastic and is more organized than I could have ever thought!!! I have such a wonderful husband.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A little this... a little that...
Ok, I know it has been forever - again. Like I have been asked to do repeatedly, I will blog some randomness. Surely things have been happening in my life! To be honest... the reason I haven't blogged is because I hate...that's a strong word (as my husband says)... strongly dislike sitting at my computer at this moment in time. Our back room that is meant to be an office is an office/storage/clutter/school/laundry hanging/everything room. So I check my email and whatever I have to do as fast as I can because I get stressed out sitting in it all. "Why don't you clean it?" you ask. Well, we do! Like only every weekend!!! But our house is wonderful, yet small, and we have ALOT of stuff! So, that is my explanation of my lack of blogage.
Randomness of my days:
* I started another semester at school! This is a fun one. I am in an intercultural communications class that is made up of a ton of group activites. I also have an Education Lab class that requires me to volunteer 50 hours in a classroom of my choice. Of course I chose Mrs. Gebhardt's kindergarten. I started last Wednesday and it is sooooo good to be back where the kids get the biggest kick out of us calling them skallywags.
* My husband and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary back on New Year's Eve! Already!!! We went to my Uncle's cabin in Pioneer for a few days. There was some snow left on the ground and it was so peaceful and relaxing. Sure, our entire time was consumed with worrying about how to get our dog to poop, since she obviously takes after her mother and doesn't poop easily when she travels. And of course she finally pooped the day we were heading home. oh, same as me!
* Speaking of our dog, since she is the center of our lives... she is a whole new gal! Jasper went back to his home and since then Sammy has had a complete attitude change. She doesn't attack me nearly as often, she has started obeying me more and she even gets to come in the house at night. She has learned to behave inside and that girl can hold her pee like none other.
* One last thing for now... I will be starting my marathon training tomorrow night, so watch for many more details on that soon!!!
Falcon, out.
(uh, only Jess will know what that means.)
Randomness of my days:
* I started another semester at school! This is a fun one. I am in an intercultural communications class that is made up of a ton of group activites. I also have an Education Lab class that requires me to volunteer 50 hours in a classroom of my choice. Of course I chose Mrs. Gebhardt's kindergarten. I started last Wednesday and it is sooooo good to be back where the kids get the biggest kick out of us calling them skallywags.
* My husband and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary back on New Year's Eve! Already!!! We went to my Uncle's cabin in Pioneer for a few days. There was some snow left on the ground and it was so peaceful and relaxing. Sure, our entire time was consumed with worrying about how to get our dog to poop, since she obviously takes after her mother and doesn't poop easily when she travels. And of course she finally pooped the day we were heading home. oh, same as me!
* Speaking of our dog, since she is the center of our lives... she is a whole new gal! Jasper went back to his home and since then Sammy has had a complete attitude change. She doesn't attack me nearly as often, she has started obeying me more and she even gets to come in the house at night. She has learned to behave inside and that girl can hold her pee like none other.
* One last thing for now... I will be starting my marathon training tomorrow night, so watch for many more details on that soon!!!
Falcon, out.
(uh, only Jess will know what that means.)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tag, I'm it!
I got tagged in Inez's blog, so here's mine -
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
This was from a few years ago... 2006 I think! It's me, Paula and Julia. Paula and the kids came to stay with me for a week during the summer. We had so much fun! awww, how I miss her. She lives in Missouri and I haven't seen her since my wedding last year =(
OK, I tag -
..cuz those are the only people who read my blog.
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
This was from a few years ago... 2006 I think! It's me, Paula and Julia. Paula and the kids came to stay with me for a week during the summer. We had so much fun! awww, how I miss her. She lives in Missouri and I haven't seen her since my wedding last year =(
OK, I tag -
..cuz those are the only people who read my blog.
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