We are assured and know that (with God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. - Romans 8:28

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Sad Goodbye

So, I went to the allergist today and the news was worse than I thought. Yes, I love my dog and was saddened at the thought of being allergic to her, but honestly, the news I got is a little worse (so wrong, I should care more about my dog). I am allergic to all things mold, especially....cheese and CHOCOLATE. Yes folks, no more pizza, grilled cheese, cheeseburgers, and worst of all, no more chocolate. How will I live? I love chocolate. I need chocolate. I am beside myself.

So, goodbye cheese and chocolate! It has been wonderful! So many great memories and delightful times! I will miss you! I might sneak you here and there, but it will never be the same! For now if I eat you I will have to follow with itch cream, pills, nasal spray, and an inhaler.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


blah blah blah blah blah. I am just so stinkin' hot. Why straight to summer? It's too hot in this house. I can't wait for our new windows to be put on!

That's all i got.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

And the allergy saga continues...

I never posted about my allergies to begin with, but what the hec, they're still here.
So back at the beginning of February, I came down with the usual bad cold for that time of the year... no biggie, got meds, all was good. It came back a few days later and nothing would help. Come to find out, by process of illimination and a doctor visit, I have taken after my daddy and have a good dose of seasonal allergies. So basically, from February to just a few days ago I have been plugged up and all the good stuff that goes along with it. I managed to sneeze literally 12 times in class the other day and people around me gave me the weirdest looks. Whatever. I know a million people have allergies, so it's nothing new, but to me it is, so I gladly join you. right.

Apparently, I have more that a seasonal allergy now. I think I am allergic to my dog. Oh how I love her. I finally have an appt with an allergist next week so we will see if my prediction is true. Why do I think this...hmmm... Saturday night, before Easter, I was simply sitting on the couch watching a movie when my upper left arm turned bright red, splotchy, hot, and terribly itchy. By the time I went to bed and 3:30am rolled around (still awake, mind you), my entire body was covered in this rash. I took 2 showers for relief but none came. When Sunday morn had come it had disappeard and I was like, "what?". I was fine all day until around 4pm at my sister-in-laws house. I felt that burn and both of my arms were on fire. I came home, showered for the 4th time that day and slept for a few hours. It went away again. Dumb. Over the next few days it would pop up slightly every now and then, but nothing major. Hallelujah I was in the clear! Wrong. Last night I was finishing up my 4th paper for school when my arm started itching. I took a shower and by the time I got into bed my body was enflamed. Worse than ever. The rash covered my arms, backs, neck, and was working up my face. My loving and caring husband went to Longs at 11pm to get me some cortozone cream. I took another shower, applied the cream and I was in Heaven. Within, oh 20 minutes or so, it all came back again, even worse. Raised bumps added to the redness, I was violently scratching my back with a pen... there was no relief. We headed to Stockton's finest ER. And there we sat, hours upon hours. When my rash had gone down (Of course!) and was clearing up, we finally saw the doctor and he believed me despite the lack of evidence. I popped some pills to take care of my "anaphalactic reaction" and he sent me on my way. Absolutely starving at this point (cux it's 3:30am, who wouldn't be hungry) we stopped and got a few tacos and finally called it a night. I have felt great ever since. So pleasant. I hope it's not our dog, but she is the most common thread in all of this. Rascal.