10 more days and I will be DONE WITH CHEMOTHERAPY!!!! 10 days!!!!
It feels like just yesterday that I was in the hospital, healing from surgery, and learning and anticipating the "what ifs" of my medication. Countless times, as I was posted on my spot on the couch, we would say out loud, "ok... June, July, August, September, October...", as if saying the months might make time go faster. There were days when I felt like time was crawling, and days like today where I am stopped in my tracks thinking, "How in the world did this go so fast?!?" The pharmacy called the other day to ask if I was ready for a refill on my medication and I cannot even express the excitement as I got to say, "Oh thanks for calling but I won't be needing any more medication! My treatment will be complete on October 23rd."
10 days...
40 pills...
I can sooooo do this!!!
Hebews 10:23 - Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.